WINE CLUB 12 bottles - USA
WINE CLUB 12 bottles - USA
from €590.00
The total price for the wines is inclusive of shipping, customs fees, and insurance.
Piazza dei Rossi, 1
Firenze, 50125
+39 055 2398132
Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 21:00
dal lunedì al sabato dalle 11:00 alle 21:00
Please contact us by phone to make a reservation, at this time we do not take reservations by message or email.
Contattateci telefonicamente per una prenotazione.
8-10 Via Stracciatella
Firenze, Toscana, 50125
+39 055 2398132
Le volpi e l'uva
Enoteca a Firenze
The total price for the wines is inclusive of shipping, customs fees, and insurance.